Want a Great Team? Build a Great Culture
They say building a company is all about building a team. I disagree. I have discovered, sometimes by being a cultural misfit myself, that building a company is really about building a culture. A great team doesn’t necessarily build a great culture, but a great culture almost certainly builds a great team.
It’s hard to define culture. What amazes me most is not the difference in culture in different teams, but the difference in thinking about the notion of culture itself.
Everyone looks at companies and has a perspective on cultures — “Google has a great culture, HP has a “nice” culture (which doesn’t always imply good)”. Ask people what culture means and how it can be created, and you’ll get several answers — company values (e.g. “customer first”), mission (“organize the world’s information..”), rewards (“manager bonuses tied to retention”), perks (“free food, unlimited vacation”), environment (“bring your dog to work”). Ask people how they feel about their company’s culture, and you’ll probably get a much simpler “good or bad” answer.
My experience is that when you start a company, your personality becomes your culture. Your early team is typically people you’ve known and / or worked with before. You don’t think about culture — you’re too busy building a product and getting people to use it. As the company grows, you start thinking about “defining” a culture. You expect new employees to know, and “fit into” your culture.
I’ve always been a bit uncomfortable asking new employees to “read about our culture”. What am I really expecting? Am I expecting them to become a person in that deck? Am I expecting them to change their personality for it? After all, they are who they are. They’re here for a reason. Sure, they’ll read the deck, even do well if I gave them a pop quiz, but do they really buy into it?
I sometimes wonder about organizations outside of technology and corporations in general to look for examples of what great cultures are founded on. For example what’s the culture of spiritual organizations? People join, volunteer to help, and keep them running. Some work hard to become leaders and spread the mission. Not only are they unpaid, they donate personal funds to forward the mission.
Sure, they’re driven by a deep belief and personal happiness, but a lot of it is about the leader, not the mission itself. They love their leaders. Their leaders inspire them. Give them a strength, a hope, a deep connection that can only be experienced.
I’ve come to realize that that is what builds culture: an environment where leaders truly lead by example. When you inspire with action, not just words. When people look up to you as a person, not a CEO or a manager. When they learn by observing, not just reading.
Great Culture happens:
- When you empower people.
- When you demonstrate that ideas, not the highest paid person in the room (HIPPOs), win.
- When you demonstrate that there are no rules just for others.
- When you demonstrate that no one may help you, but no one can stop you.
- When you demonstrate that nothing is more important than user happiness.
- When you demonstrate that mission is more important than profits.
- When you demonstrate that family comes first.
Sanjeev serves as the President of Healthcare and Chief Marketing Officer at LeanTaaS, a Silicon Valley company that uses advanced data science to optimize healthcare operations. Sanjeev was Google’s first Head of Product Marketing. Since then, he has led three successful startups — CEO at Aloqa (acquired by Motorola), VP Products & Marketing at TellMe Networks (acquired by Microsoft) and Founder & CEO at Collegefeed (acquired by AfterCollege). Sanjeev graduated Phi Beta Kappa with an EECS degree from MIT and along the way spent time at McKinsey & Co. and Cisco Systems. He pretends to play squash when not chasing down his daughters for exercise.